Compliance Management Solution

Compliance Management Solution (CMS)—Financial institutions (Banking and Non-banking institution) must maintain a sound compliance management with a solution that ensure your policies and procedures adhere to provisions of federal laws and regulations. In partnership with Etrends India we have a compliance management solution which will help increase compliance level of your organization. At a glance learn the compliance status of your organization.

Laser Legal Compliance Solution (LLCS) provides a centralized, access-controlled environment for monitoring status of legal compliances you face. LLCS® is a flexible web-based solution that brings compliance team, compliance owners and management on the same platform. LLCS® establishes a transparent and uniform process for managing legal compliances of your organization.



Get enterprise level, location level, risk category level, department level and law level status of compliance at a glance. Easily monitor status of critical and high risks category compliances.

Compliance Universe:

Allows creating laws, acts, compliance and events that are applicable to your organization. Allows import of compliance to jump-start you with the application.

Time Based Compliance:

Create reoccurring time based compliance. Set the reoccurrence frequency and let LLCS® do the rest. It will automatically trigger compliances to the right compliance owner year-after-year.

Event Checklist:

Create reoccurring event checklist. LLCS® will automatically create checklist for the correct owner to confirm occurrence of the event.

Event Based Compliance:

LLCS® automatically triggers event based compliances when occurrence of one event is confirmed.

My Compliances:

On one single screen, compliance owner can view list of compliance that they are required to comply in a week, a month or a quarter. One can update the compliances as complied and upload proof of compliance.


Organizes compliance information at one central place giving access to information when it’s needed the most. Browse it law-wise, Act-wise or simply do a keyword search.

Compliance Certificate:

Compliance certificates can be created within the application at all levels to certify the compliances/non-compliances before the CEO certifies the compliances. Creates transparency and confidence in issuing compliance certificate.


Built-in workflows to monitor and control decentralized compliance management. LLCS® has best practice workflow to manage changes in compliance, compliance due date changes and extensions in compliance due date. Audit trails are managed at each step for one to investigate in the event if something goes wrong.

Automatic Reminders and Escalations:

Automatic compliance reminder keeps compliance owners updated on upcoming compliances. Timely reminders and automatic follow-ups increases the overall compliance level of the organization. Automatically escalates compliances that remain non-complied before “X” no. of days from compliance due date.


Compliance report gives complete compliance related information such as compliance due date, compliance owner, compliance status etc. Event checklist report indicates if a specific event occurred or not and if occurred then status of compliances related to the event. Compliance certificate report gives status of issuing compliance certificate by different individuals at all levels.

Complete control over Masters:

Administrator of LLCS® has complete control to configure the masters completely as per individual organizations requirement. Create and manage masters such as Users, SBU, Location, Department, Law, Act, Compliance etc.

Compliance Management Solution

In today’s global economy, the demand for businesses to operate sustainably has never been higher. Stakeholders, from investors to consumers, are increasingly holding organizations accountable for their environmental, social, and governance (ESG) practices. This has given rise to sustainability audits—a systematic process for evaluating an organization's performance across these critical dimensions.

What Are Sustainability Audits?

Sustainability audits involve a comprehensive evaluation of a company’s social, environmental, economic, and governance practices. They assess whether organizations are operating in ways that minimize harm to the environment, benefit society, and uphold ethical governance.

Key components of sustainability audits include:

1. Environmental Assessment: Examining impacts such as energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, water usage, and waste management.

2. Social Assessment: Evaluating labour practices, human rights adherence, community engagement, and product safety.

3. Economic Assessment: Analysing financial stability, supply chain efficiency, and economic contributions to communities.

4. Governance and Management Assessment: Reviewing governance structures, leadership accountability, transparency, and stakeholder engagement practices.

The Benefits of Sustainability Audits

Sustainability audits offer a range of benefits that make them invaluable for businesses:

1. Improved Transparency and Accountability: Audits enable organizations to demonstrate their commitment to sustainability and maintain open communication with stakeholders.

2. Risk Management: Identifying and addressing sustainability risks helps companies avoid reputational damage, regulatory penalties, and financial losses.

3. Cost Savings: Implementing sustainable practices can lead to significant cost reductions through energy efficiency, waste reduction, and streamlined supply chains.

4. Enhanced Reputation and Brand Value: Organizations that prioritize sustainability often enjoy increased trust and loyalty from customers, employees, and investors.

5. Regulatory and Standards Compliance: Sustainability audits help businesses meet the requirements of global frameworks such as the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB).

Types of Sustainability Audits

Sustainability audits are not one-size-fits-all. Depending on organizational goals, audits can take several forms:

1. Internal Sustainability Audit: Conducted by an organization’s internal team to evaluate and improve sustainability performance.

2. External Sustainability Audit: Performed by independent third-party auditors to provide objective assurance on ESG performance and reporting.

3. Certification Audits: Focused on verifying compliance with recognized standards, such as ISO 14001 for environmental management or ISO 26000 for social responsibility.

The Rising Need for ESG Auditing Expertise

As the pressure mounts on businesses to provide credible ESG disclosures, the role of sustainability auditors has become pivotal. Beyond compliance, sustainability audits empower organizations to lead with integrity and make informed decisions that benefit all stakeholders. Businesses that proactively embrace this approach not only ensure their longevity but also contribute meaningfully to a sustainable future.

In conclusion, sustainability audits are more than a regulatory requirement—they are a strategic tool for building resilient, ethical, and forward-thinking organizations. With the growing importance of ESG, the expertise of sustainability auditors is poised to remain an essential asset in driving responsible business practices.